วันพุธที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

The Healing Power of Flowers

Many people understand the "medicinal" value of certain plants and herbs and most of us have used aloe vera gel (from an aloe vera plant) at one point or another. But, did you also know that there are many flowers that can treat certain ailments or conditions and can improve your quality of life without the need for prescribed pharmaceuticals that are often unnatural and can have unpleasant side effects. If you have a medical condition, you may want to consider some of these ancient remedies and perhaps they will do the trick for you and make you feel better without having to rely on drugs or chemicals.

-         Begonias. These lovely plants can be made into tea to help eliminate toxins from the body and promote better circulation. Begonias blossoms also help ease the pain of burns and cuts and speed healing.

-         California Poppy. This flower calms nerves by easing anxiety and tension. It also helps promote better sleep.

-         Chrysanthemum. Tea brewed from these flowers can help ease the misery of cold and fever and helps ease headaches. The same mix can also be used to reduce eye puffiness.

-         Dandelion. Not the "weed" we think it is, dandelion flower tea treats jaundice and anemia by helping purify the blood.

-         Honeysuckle. Sore throats and arthritis are eased by the anti-inflammatory properties of honeysuckle flowers.

-         Plum flowers. Interestingly, the smoke from plum flowers helps treat parasites. It is also a potent treatment for ulcers.

-         Rose. The beautiful rose improves circulation, depression and helps those with asthma breathe better.

-         Sunflower. Sunflower tea helps ease ulcer and sore throat pain and is an effective canker sore remedy.

-         Valerian. This wonder flower treats anxiety and helps promote healthy sleep patterns. It also treats migraines, headaches and the pain of rheumatic fever.

-         Yarrow. Just smelling the yarrow is helpful for treating mild asthma. It helps treat upper respiratory problems and cold and flu by minimizing congestion. Yarrow can also be used to treat eczema.

For mild ailments and medical problems, there are multiple, flower-based natural remedies and treatments that offer all the benefits without the nasty side effects that can come from prescription or over-the-counter drugs. You will want to share with your doctor any of the flower-based treatments you choose to ensure they do not conflict with any of your other prescriptions or treatments but for many people, these flowers offer more promise and relief than Western medicine could ever offer.

